"Showcase of Mature Lithops: A Vibrant Mosaic of Textures and Hues" - 20 pcs set
New Release

"Showcase of Mature Lithops: A Vibrant Mosaic of Textures and Hues" - 20 pcs set

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This captivating collection features 20 full-grown, twin-headed lithops (also known as "living stones") that showcase an exquisite array of colors, patterns, and textures. Each set has been carefully curated to provide a visually striking assortment, allowing you to enjoy the natural diversity of these unique succulents.ย 

The lithops featured in this showcase range from soft grays and whites to vibrant greens and earthy tones, creating a vibrant mosaic effect. Many display intricate, pebble-like patterns that resemble natural stone formations, while others feature bold, geometric designs. These mature specimens have reached their full growth potential, making them the perfect addition to any succulent enthusiast's collection.ย 

As a special bonus, each order will include a randomly selected lithops that adds an element of surprise and delight to your purchase.

Product Information

Size โ†”
1.5 - 1.8 per head